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Sales Training Case Study | I was asked by the Head of Sales of one of my major Financial Services clients to provide Sales Training and Coaching Support for one of it’s UK based Contact Centres.

Following the training, improvements in every team were observed with an immediate increase in Total Sales, Home Conversion, Total Sales Premium and Total Add-on Premiums.

Here is the Case Study to demonstrate the Increase in Sales & Performance Improvement

Facts & Figures

Here are some of the improvements on one of the poorest performing teams

March April
Sales Vs Target 46% 129%
Home Conversion Vs Tgt 27% 37%
Total Sales Premium per month £21,566 £ 46,609
Total Add-ons per month £737 £1781
UK Call Centre Sales Increase Case Study
UK Call Centre Sales Increase Case Study

Outline of the Workshop | Sales Training Case Study

As part of my training needs analysis, I visited the centre for a day to observe the Sales Team and then developed a 3-day sales training workshop and coaching programme.

I then scheduled myself in to deliver a two-day training programme covering the following topics;

  • Comparing modern Consultative methods Vs a traditional ‘Feature Heavy’ method
  • Understanding the Psychology of Why People Buy
  • Demonstrate the Importance of Building Rapport
  • Introduced the sales agents to Effective Analysis of Customer Needs
  • Advised on how to effectively Present Appropriate Solutions
  • Ran workgroups on Identifying Buying Signals
  • Provided Up and Cross Selling Techniques
  • Demonstrated Powerful Closing Techniques
  • Established what may cause Objections and how they should be successfully handled
  • Provided solutions to dealing with the issue of price
  • Explained Buyer Behavioural Styles
    • (Drivers, Expressives, Amiables, Analytics)
  • Discussed Best Practices of delivering a ‘Quality Call’

Following the 2-day training session, I spent a full day coaching each of the Sales Agents side-by-side and worked with the Sales Manager on how they could reinforce the training message.

There has been ongoing positive feedback from the Sales Manager, all of the delegates that attended the Sales Training and follow-up Coaching session and additional requests from other Sales Managers in the Call Centre for their team to also receive the training.

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